Your Best

Ps.114: 6 “Why, mountains, did you skip like rams? Why, hills, like lambs? 7 Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob”

When you encounter God in all His glory, the most sensible thing to do is to kneel before Him. It is senseless not to kneel before Him. Interestingly, there is nowhere in the Bible that God Himself instructs us to bow before Him. God instructs us not to bow before other gods but He did not tell us to bow to Him instead.

It is because God knows that the beauty we will encounter in His Presence will make our knees buckle.

Every time an angel is revealed in scripture to a human being, one of the first things they say is “fear not”. And it is because of how terrible they look. If the sight of an angel will cause people to shudder, imagine God Himself. The reason people do not bow in God’s Presence is because they do not know Him. We cannot fully know God obviously but when we get some knowledge of God, our arrogance fades away. Humility is actually seeing God for who He is. Isaiah saw God and said, “Woe [cursed] is me, for I am undone”.

This same Isaiah had been cursing people because of their sins. Isa.6:1 “…I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple. Above it stood seraphim; each one had six wings: with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew… So I said: “Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, And I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; For my eyes have seen the King, The Lord of hosts.” God’s best demands our best.

There are many things that can be done for you including prayer; sometimes, people can intercede on your behalf. But nobody can kneel before God on your behalf. Nobody can worship God for you. You cannot outsource worship. Worship is one thing that you have to do for yourself. The wise men were wealthy and they could have sent servants to bring the gifts to Jesus. But they came by themselves and that is so profound. Little wonder the Bible calls them wise men. When it comes to kneeling before God, it cannot be delegated.

Prayer [song]: Majesty, worship His Majesty! Unto Jesus, be all glory, honour and praise. Majesty, Kingdom authority, flows from His throne, unto His own, His anthem raise. Amen!

Posted on Saturday 16 December, 2017, in Honouring God, Jesus, Love, Relationship, Wisdom, Worship. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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