Special Ability II

Acts 2:11 “…ALL OF US hear them speaking in our own languages about the great things that God has done!” [TEV, with emphasis]

Today’s Scripture reference has two major implications for us. The first is that God has put you in your church family to reach someone no one else can reach. The second implication is that God has put you there because you speak a language that probably no one else speaks but other people understand. Some of us are mothers of toddlers and mothers of toddlers speak a language that only other mothers of toddlers understand. Single parents can speak a language that only single parents can understand. Thank God for married settled homes, but they might not understand the language of single parenting.

Some of us are techy people – they are into computers and all sorts of gadgets. And they have a language too and it is called geek not Greek. Do you know that when they speak geek some people cannot understand it? But for some other people that is the only language they understand. Some time ago, I was trying to explain how God speaks to one of my colleagues and he could not wrap his mind around it. So I used client server applications and the login protocols to explain it to him and he got it. I said, “I can send a file from one phone to another using Bluetooth; can you see the files going?” He said yes. And I said, “are you saying that God cannot send files to us via spiritual Bluetooth?” He can!

Some of us speak football, we know all the clubs and their matches, and we know football history. There are other people out there that God is entrusting you to reach and what they understand is soccer. Some speak golf. There are people that God wants us to reach that would not understand anything until you bring in a golf analogy. Some speak business. They are entrepreneurs with killer instincts. They recognize opportunities immediately. Some speak the language of professionals, and of career people. Everybody reading this today has a language and there are people out there that will understand your language. And God is relying on you to speak that language to them so that He can draw them in.

Prayer: Holy Spirit, I cooperate with You and I use my language to win those close to me but far from You into the Kingdom of God, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Thursday 28 December, 2017, in Church, Destiny, Diversity, Holy Spirit, Responsibility, Spiritual Growth. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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