Category Archives: Diversity

Mission Impossible

Num.23:23 “Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, no divination against Israel; now it shall be said of Jacob and Israel, ‘See what God has done!’” (NRSV)

Esther 4:7 Mordecai told him the whole story, including the exact amount of money Haman had promised to pay into the royal treasury for the destruction of the Jews.” This passage reveals the extent to which people would go to get what they want, in this case negative. Read the rest of this entry

Give Thanks

Ps.30:11-12 “You did it: you changed wild lament into whirling dance; You ripped off my black mourning band and decked me with wildflowers. I’m about to burst with song; I can’t keep quiet about you. God, my God, I can’t thank you enough.” (MSG)

The thing that holds people back from God’s best and from intimacy with Christ is actually religion. The nine were Jews, they needed to fulfill the religious rites. But who was it that told them to go and show themselves to the priest in the first place? It was Jesus. Read the rest of this entry

By The Spirit V

Acts 16:18 “This went on day after day until Paul got so exasperated that he turned and said to the demon within her, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And instantly it left her.” (emphasis added).

Today, we will start off by concluding on the story in Acts 16. What do you think would have happened if Paul and the others did not discern the source of the girl’s manifestations? Like we said yesterday, it is not every time that God requires us to address such manifestations. However, the gift of discernment of spirits helps you to be spiritually aware. Read the rest of this entry

Responses I

Ps. 92:4-6 “You thrill me, Lord, with all you have done for me! I sing for joy because of what you have done. O Lord, what great works you do! And how deep are your thoughts. Only a simpleton would not know, and only a fool would not understand this”

How does your shepherd respond when you are in a pit? If one falls into a deep pit, there are more than five world views on the corresponding response. I am going to share five of the major world views from the five major world religions. Read the rest of this entry

Special Ability III

1 Cor.12:10He gives one person the power to perform miracles, and another the ability to prophesy. He gives someone else the ability to discern… Still another person is given the ability to speak in unknown languages, while another is given the ability to interpret...”


To have a church, a family and to be a people that have God’s blessing that keeps intensifying in our lives, not only must we pray for power and use everybody’s language, we must Use Everybody’s Talent. Read the rest of this entry

Special Ability II

Acts 2:11 “…ALL OF US hear them speaking in our own languages about the great things that God has done!” [TEV, with emphasis]

Today’s Scripture reference has two major implications for us. The first is that God has put you in your church family to reach someone no one else can reach. Read the rest of this entry

Special Ability I

Acts 1:8But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”


The number one way to get God’s power is prayer. Acts 1:14 “They all met together and were constantly united in prayer” [with emphasis]. Read the rest of this entry