It Is Time!

Joshua 1:1After the death of Moses the Lord’s servant, the Lord spoke to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ assistant. He said, 2 “Moses my servant is dead. Therefore, the time has come for you to lead these people, the Israelites, across the Jordan River into the land I am giving them”


Holy Spirit of the Living God, I declare my love for You today. I ask that You saturate my life with Your Presence. Let Your love, Your Presence and Your power flood my life forever. I am totally dependent on You. Guide me, teach me, lead me, instruct me, and grow me. Help me daily to see Jesus and become more like Him. I love you! [Song] “Come Holy Spirit, I need You. Come Sweet Spirit I pray. Come in Your strength and Your Power. Come in Your own special way” “You’re all I want. You’re all I’ve ever needed. You’re all I want. Help me know You are near… help me know You are near” Amen!

In life, it is crowded at the bottom. There is so much confusion and strife at the bottom. Even visibility is limited at the bottom. If the bottom is where you are, today God is going to fire you up to Step up, in Jesus Mighty Name. Many times we find ourselves in places that can best be described as a place of limited visibility. The only way to combat that is to Step up because from the top, you can see far and wide. The view from the window on the 1st floor of a building is nothing compared to the view from the window on the 30th floor of the same building. The person on the 30th floor has a better perspective of the terrain and of how things are set up. You can say the person at the top has a huge advantage.

God is asking us to Step up. The challenge with a lot of people is that they are constantly looking around. And when that happens, all they see is chaos and injustices and that births the feeling of giving up. Have you been looking around? It is only when you look up that you can Step up. God is saying to you and I, “you need to look up so that you can Step up”.

In life, you will constantly be presented with situations that force you to choose between stepping up or staying down. When you hear people make statements like, “I am only human”, it is a danger sign that points to compromise. That is the path that leads to mediocrity. It is at such times that you and I need to decide to either Step up or stay down. The choice is yours; so what will it be?


Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me fix my eyes on You and You alone and give me the capacity to Step up, in Jesus Name. Amen!


Posted on Saturday 13 January, 2018, in Decision, Focus, Holy Spirit, Step Up, Time. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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