
John 3:“Jesus replied, “I assure you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit.  Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life.”

Daniel could do all that he did because he could see things the ordinary person could not see. I pray, in the Name of Jesus, that you will see what you ought to see. So that you will go to sleep inspite of the storm. Please study Daniel 9:20-23 and Daniel 10:4-14, it is our anchor scripture for the next couple of days. As you read, I pray that God will birth a hunger in you and launch you into the positive supernatural by His Spirit. I pray that God will say concerning you and I that we are very precious to God. In fact, every member of God’s Favourite House is very precious to God.

Scriptures shows us clearly that, just like Daniel, God’s people are to engage the supernatural. However, I think the devil has sold the church a lie, that the supernatural is spooky and goofy. Meanwhile the God that we serve is a spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. For every situation you are in, there is a physical representation and a spiritual representation, and you have to read both. For every person you have to interact with, there is a physical representation and a spiritual representation of the person. For every city that you have to work with, leave in, or interact with there is a physical representation and a spiritual representation.

The kingdom of Persia was a physical kingdom and had a physical king. But that prince of Persia had a spiritual representation. The prince of Persia at the time was sold to the devil, so it was a demonic spirit [a principality, the spiritual representation of the prince of Persia] that was influencing things. When, you are tackling a situation, you have to understand that there is an aspect of the situation you can see and an aspect that you cannot see. Guess what? It is the aspect you cannot see that actually determines the aspect you can see. So, we have to pray and be influential in that unseen space. When you need to tackle anything, do not tackle it in the flesh but rather in the spirit. That is how to breakthrough and that is what Daniel did. Daniel engaged the supernatural with fasting and prayer seeking the revelation he needed, and he kept on pressing in.

You are a child of God, a son, not a servant, God cannot ignore your cry. The reason children cry is because they are confident that their parents cannot ignore them. It’s just a matter of time, the parents will come running. You need to understand this in your place of petitioning heaven.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I open my life to the wind of Your Spirit, help me see as I ought to see and deal with things first in the spirit, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Sunday 5 May, 2019, in Church, Confidence, Fasting, Understanding. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Every article on your blog is truly a blessing to me. Keep up the good work!

    • God's Favourite House

      We are grateful to God for all that He is doing. Please share this resource with your network of friends and encourage them to share it too. God bless you Edet and thank you for your encouragement.

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