Your Business

John 17:14 “I have given them your word. And the world hates them because they do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world.” (emphasis added).

This is usually conflicting for us because we live in the world. When we stay with God and stand for God, sometimes people will just detest you for no reason. Even though you have not done anything, they just don’t like your face. Most times, it bothers us, and we get concerned. But Jesus says, ‘do not worry; they did it to me too.’ Jesus says, ‘if they did not like Me, how will they like you?’ You remind the world of Jesus and Jesus reminds them of the things they do not want to be reminded of. So, that should encourage us that we are in the right place when for God’s sake, people dislike you, not for your own sake, not for your own bad behaviour. It is for God’s sake.

Jesus sets the parameters of His prayer in John 17:9&20My prayer is not for the world, but for those you have given me, because they belong to you. “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message.” (emphasis added). Jesus got to a point in His life and ministry where He said, ‘Father, I am not praying for everybody. I am praying for these ones and everyone else that will believe in Me.’ Jesus came to die for the world; but when the rubber meets the road, you are only concerned about the people that are closest to your heart. Remember the question we started our study of John 17 with? And the question was: If you know you will die in a few hours, what 3 things will top your prayer list?

Nobody remembers to pray for their neighbour. You would not even remember to pray for your boss that has paid your salary for the past twenty-five years. It is because, at that crucial moment, it is the most important people to you that you would be focused on. When the rubber meets the road, you only pray for those you are accountable for. People come from everywhere and they want us to pray with them and we are grateful. We pray with them and God answers their prayers to the praise and glory of His Name. Sometimes in later conversations, such people ask, ‘Pastor, I am sure you have been praying for me.’ I laugh and I respond, ‘I am sorry, but I am not praying for you.’ They say, ‘Are we not all your children?’  I explain to them that the truth is, when the rubber meets the road, I know the people I am accountable for. And it has nothing to do with being selfish. I am just following Jesus’ example.

In fact, there was a case of someone that wanted me to stick out my neck for him and I told him I could not do it. He said, ‘But I heard that you can do it, you have done it for person ABC.’ I said, ‘But I cannot do it for you; not because I dislike you but why should I fight a battle that is not my own? Go and meet your Pastor. What is he doing? Why are you coming to me?’ I am sorry if this sounds harsh, but it is what it is. So, whilst I am fasting for him, his own Pastor would be feasting? I am sorry, I cannot do that because I know the people I am accountable for. The point is, when the rubber meets the road, it is the most important people to you that you are accountable for.

Prayer: Father, I ask for the grace to know and mind my business, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Tuesday 2 November, 2021, in Ability, Abuse, Accountability, Acknowledge God, Clarity, Expectation, Fasting, Jesus. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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