Positive Turn

Ex. 17:11-12 “As long as Moses held up his arms, the Israelites won, but when he put his arms down, the Amalekites started winning …Aaron and Hur brought a stone for him to sit on, while they stood beside him and held up his arms, holding them steady until the sun went down.” (GNT)

Beginning today, by the grace of God, you will experience a definite positive turnaround in that specific area and in every area of your life in the Name of Jesus. A turning point is a point in time when something happens [like something is happening now], that causes a change in direction. I am confident in God that beginning today, you will experience a positive change in direction in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Have you noticed that I have been emphasizing ‘positive’ turning point? It is because there can be negative turning points also. But you will only experience a positive turning point in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Saul, for instance, had a negative turning point in his story. God had anointed him as king, but he did not carry out God’s instructions to the letter. God changed His mind about the great destiny He had for Saul. God will sustain His mind for good for you in the Name of Jesus. What you will do that will make God change His mind about you in a negative way, you will not do it. [Say Amen]

The turning point is a very crucial point in different fields. But what resonates with me most is mathematics. Are you familiar with quadratic equations? Do not freeze please because when some people hear math, they freeze but calm down, I will explain. In quadratic equations, the graph is a parabolic graph called a parabola. There is a point at the curve called the vertex, where everything changes. For some, you have been experiencing pain, some have been experiencing shame, some have been experiencing poverty and it has been climbing and climbing. In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, it has reached its vertex and the pain is going to turn down. The height of that pain will not continue to rise, the height and the progress of that reproach is hereby terminated in the Name of Jesus. Things in your life seem to be on a downward spiral, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, you have reached the vertex. Things are beginning to go up for you, the tide is going turn in your favour in the Name of Jesus. The tide is going to turn!

Why am I so confident that the tide is going to turn in your favour? It is because I am confident that God loves you. Every life gets to a point that can be marked as a turning point in different areas. Ask any successful person in business; there is a turning point where things significantly began to change. Ask anyone that has built a house; there is a turning point. Ask anyone that is successful in their career; there is a turning point in that career. Ask anyone that has won a battle; there is a turning point in each battle that determines the course of direction from that point on. Beginning today, in the Name of Jesus, everyone that has been fighting battles, the battles begin to turn in your favour in the Name of Jesus. Note also that different events trigger turning points, either positive or negative. In the Name of Jesus, because of all that God will do in your life in this season, it will be a trigger for your positive turning point, in Jesus Name.

Prayer: Father, I thank You because my positive turning point is here, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Wednesday 2 March, 2022, in Acknowledge God, Agreement, Assurance, Battle, Blessings of God, Encouragement, God, Success, Walking with God. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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