Sing. Pray. Tell.

Isa.12:4 “Thank the Lord and praise his name! Tell the world about his wonderful love!”(LB, emphasis added).

Ps.147:7Sing out your thanks to him; sing praises to our God.” (LB, emphasis added). We are to sing out our thanks to God. You cannot be singing, ‘God, You are the greatest! You are the mightiest! with your hands folded across your chest. You can insist that you are singing but what does your body language communicate? Does it say anything about a God that is the greatest? It does not at all. The Psalmist says forget your self-consciousness, no one is watching you. Sing out! You are not a God, created by human hands. You are not a God, dependent on any mortal man. You are not a God, in need of anything we can give. By Your plan, that’s just the way it is. You are God alone from before time began. You were on Your throne, You are God alone and right now in the good times and bad You are on Your throne and you are God alone. Unchangeable, unshakable, unstoppable that’s  who You are.

The difference in singing to God from your heart is enormous, it is different from just singing. When you sing to God from your heart, you feel the difference. It is huge! God responds to you, to your heart, to your tone, to your body language, to your passion. So, you give God thanks by singing from your heart. Secondly, By Thanking God In Prayer. Take note that prayer here is not meaningless repetition. Sadly, sometimes the things we call prayer are actually not prayer at all. If it does not come from your heart, it is not authentic. Oh, Thou magnificent Creator of the universe… what does magnificent mean to you? So how should we pray? Just talk to God. How do you talk to your friend, how do you talk to your spouse, how do you talk to people you are in a relationship with? How come when it is time to talk to God, everything changes? You were talking normally before, as soon as prayer time is announced, you get all ‘spiritual’.

You are as spiritual as you are normally, that is how spiritual you are. The truth is, in the final analysis, it is how you engage normally that determines the quality of your life. So, you should pray by just talking to God. Just talk to God – while you are driving, just talk to Him. Try it, at least you are alone in the car so nobody will say you are crazy. Just try it. As you drive, think about your life and say to God, ‘Father, I can provide for myself, and I can pay  my bills. Lord, I am grateful. I just want to say thank You.’ No drama! Ps. 105:1 “Give thanks to the Lord and pray to him….” (ICB, emphasis added). Speak to God, your Father. How can my life give thanks to God? By singing from my heart, by thanking God in prayer. Thirdly, By Telling Others The Good News. In other words, what comes from within must impact the people around you. Your life says thank You to God when you tell others the good news about Jesus. Tell others what God has done for you. Isa.12:4 “… Tell the world about his wonderful love!” (LB, emphasis added).

Prayer: Father, I will give You thanks and praise, I will testify about Your goodness and unfailing love in my life, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Tuesday 25 October, 2022, in Petition, Praise, Prayer, Rejoice. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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