Category Archives: Faith

Take A Stand

‘But Peter said, I don’t have any silver or gold for you. But I’ll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk! Then Peter took the lame man by the right hand and helped him up…’ Acts 3:6-7


Never be afraid to draw the line with your God. God honors the word of his servants. He will honor you. In your office, say to them if God is alive this is what is going to happen and watch God honor His Name. While on a project in the northern part of Nigeria, two men approached me. The older was crippled and was being carried by the younger man and they were begging for alms. So I said to them that I know  they are Muslims and I respect that but I know someone, His Name is Jesus, if Jesus does not heal him, referring to the Read the rest of this entry

Are You Offended?

My God sent his angel to shut the lions’ mouths so that they would not hurt me, for I have been found innocent in his sight. And I have not wronged you, Your majesty’ Dan.6:22


For some of us the very thing that is off setting our vertical peace is an offence in our hearts. You are offended at God and you are fighting with God because by your own estimation God should have done better. For example, a lady said ‘God if I were you, I would have sorted out this problem. What is all this delay? God if it were You asking me to do this, I would have done it for You. If You were the one begging me, I would have answered you’. God likes Read the rest of this entry

Your Inheritance!

Then you will not become spiritually dull and indifferent. Instead, you will follow the example of those who are going to inherit God’s promises because of their faith and enduranceHeb.6:12.


The Bible says ‘blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth’. There is a land before you that you are not being patient about it. Guess what? There are other people that are willing to be patient with that land. And guess who will inherit the land? Blessed are the meek [the patient] for they will inherit the land. It is the doers of the Word that enjoy the blessings that are attached. A lot of married couples are not willing to be patient with their Read the rest of this entry

Not Without Patience

‘Then Abraham waited patiently, and he received what God had promised’ Heb.6:15.


Abraham is known as the father of faith. You cannot teach faith without patience. To teach faith without patience is to set people up for a life of disappointments and that is not what the Word of God teaches. The Word of God says Abraham, after releasing his faith, he was patient enough to obtain the promise. I am praying that you will be patient enough to obtain your promise in the mighty Name of Jesus. So if your name is patience, for instance, how Read the rest of this entry


‘God blesses those people who depend only on him. They belong to the kingdom of heaven!’ Matt.5:3 [CEV].


Jesus says the resources of heaven are at the disposal of those who depend only on Him. You and I must understand that without God we are doomed. The strength of the helmet does not come from the head that it protects. The strength of the helmet comes from the material that the helmet is made of. Our confidence does not come from our ability or who we are. Our confidence comes from who our God Read the rest of this entry

Follow Him!

‘And he saith unto then. Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men’ Matt.4:19 [KJV]


A good number of Christians are struggling in their health, marriages, jobs, businesses, and even in their calling because they are carrying what God has not designed for them to carry. You need to launch out daily knowing that Jesus is in control – so relax! The last time I checked He is still the King of kings. God has not called us to figure everything out. ‘Follow Me, and I will make you…’. By the Read the rest of this entry

You Will Receive

‘So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him’ Luke 11:13


Are you one of those who haven’t received the baptism of the Holy Spirit despite attending several sessions? The first thing you need to know is that there is nothing necessarily wrong with you, just be sure that there is no un-confessed sin in your life. Some people say a Christian should not bother about confessed sins yet this is one of the things that can hinder what God wants to release into you. Be sure that there is no mental block. For some their mental block is as a result of bad experiences, wrong doctrine, or they have been Read the rest of this entry

Faith Is… VI

‘Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen’ Heb.11:1.

Finally, faith is thanking God even before I receive it. Benjamin Franklin said, “The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason”. If you chronicle the life of Jesus you will notice that thanking God before receiving the miracle was a pattern. ‘So they rolled the stone aside. Then Jesus looked up to heaven and said, “Father, thank you for hearing me’ John 11:41. Lazarus was still dead yet Jesus was thanking God in advance. That is faith. Even Jesus thought it was important to thank God in advance. Thanking God in advance is faith Read the rest of this entry

Faith Is… V

‘It was by faith that Abel brought a more acceptable offering to God than Cain did. Abel’s offering gave evidence that he was a righteous man, and God showed his approval of his gifts. Although Abel is long dead, he still speaks to us by his example of faith’ Heb.11:4

Faith is giving when I don’t have it. Read 2 Cor.8:2-3. God prompting me to sow that car is a clear example of giving more than you can afford, giving what you don’t have. God won’t be God if we can reason Him out all the time. God is God because you still cannot fully comprehend His ways. You could give by reason or you could give by revelation. You could give by logic or you could give by faith. Giving by faith is following the direction of the Lord. Believe me God will always stretch you to the point that you are ready for what He is about Read the rest of this entry

Faith Is… IV

‘It was by faith that Abraham offered Isaac as a sacrifice when God was testing him. Abraham, who had received God’s promises, was ready to sacrifice his only son, Isaac’ Heb.11:17


Looking at my life, there are many things that God had told me to do that just didn’t make sense at the time. My wife and I had two cars, one of the cars was like half a car and the other was the pride and joy of the family. One day I went to see one of my pastors who is a missionary and my eyes fell on his shoe, well lets just say it had seen better days. So I made up my mind that I was going to get him two pairs of very good shoes. After all how can a man of God be wearing such shoes. So as we were walking out of his hotel room, I heard Read the rest of this entry