Version 2.0.
Isaiah 26:19 “But those who die in the Lord will live; their bodies will rise again! Those who sleep in the earth will rise up and sing for joy! For your life-giving light will fall like dew on your people in the place of the dead!”
The second radical thought about your body that you need to embrace for you to see metamorphosis in your physical body is, God Expects You To Manage Your Body. God expects me to manage my body. 1 Corinthians 6:12 “…I will not be mastered by anything.” (NIV). Do not let anything dominate your life. Read the rest of this entry
God’s Property
1 Corinthians 6:12 “All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient…” (KJV)
In today’s anchor scripture, Paul is saying that all things are lawful to me but not all things are expedient. In other words, some things in life are not necessarily wrong but they are not necessary. So, for you to have metamorphosis, have transformation in your life, Read the rest of this entry
In Health
3 John 1:2 “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” (KJV, emphasis added)
Metamorphosis is the transformation that we all seek. It is the little things that nobody sees that make the big difference that everybody wants. Everybody wants a great spiritual life, great finances, a great marriage, great children, a great career, and a great business. Read the rest of this entry
The Seven
Matthew 28:19-20 “…wherever you go, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And teach them to faithfully follow all that I have commanded you. And never forget that I am with you every day….” (TPT)
Imagine you get to heaven, walking on the streets of gold, relishing the scenery, and enjoying the presence of Jehovah. Then somebody walks up to you and says, ‘Thank you! It is because of you that I made it here’. And you are like, ‘I do not even know you…’ and the person says, ‘Yes, you do not know me. Read the rest of this entry
Pay It Forward
2 Timothy 2:2 “You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others.” (emphasis added).
Today’s anchor scripture highlights four generations. Paul says the things I have taught you, Timothy, you need to entrust to other people, teach and coach them so that they would be able to pass it on to the next generation. Everyone is supposed to have a four generational influence at the least, Read the rest of this entry
Love, Serve, & Teach
Romans 13:8 “Owe nothing to anyone—except for your obligation to love one another. If you love your neighbour, you will fulfil the requirements of God’s law.”
So far we have looked at five of the seven things we need to do to experience metamorphosis in our spiritual health. LOVE JESUS Supremely. MEET WITH HIM Daily. STUDY And DO God’s Word. TITHE Your Income. Learn To LOVE Other Believers. Spiritual growth happens in community. Read the rest of this entry
True Picture
Mark 12:30-31 “And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.”
To experience metamorphosis in my spiritual health, first, I Must LOVE JESUS Supremely. Second, I Must MEET WITH HIM Daily. Third, I Must STUDY And DO God’s Word. Fourth, I Must TITHE My Income. Fifth, I Must Learn To LOVE Other Believers. If I want to grow spiritually, Read the rest of this entry
Honour Response
Genesis 14:19-20 “Melchizedek blessed Abram with this blessing: “Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth. And blessed be God Most High, who has defeated your enemies for you.” Then Abram gave Melchizedek a tenth of all the goods he had recovered.”
To experience metamorphosis in my spiritual health, first, I Must LOVE JESUS Supremely. Second, I Must MEET WITH HIM Daily. Third, I Must STUDY And DO God’s Word. And fourth, I Must TITHE My Income. I have heard people say we are under the dispensation of grace, Read the rest of this entry
Learn & Do!
James 1:25 “But whoever catches a glimpse of the revealed counsel of God—the free life!—even out of the corner of his eye, and sticks with it, is no distracted scatterbrain but a man or woman of action. That person will find delight and affirmation in the action.” (MSG).
It is the small things that nobody sees that bring about the big things that everybody wants. If you want to be spiritually healthy, start by Loving Jesus Supremely and then Meeting With Him Daily. Pastor, I get discouraged and I feel like giving up. Let me tell you a top secret. It is a quote by Perry Noble. Read the rest of this entry
Daily Walk
Psalm 17:4-5 “I’m not trying to get my way in the world’s way. I’m trying to get your way, your Word’s way. I’m staying on your trail; I’m putting one foot in front of the other. I’m not giving up.” (MSG)
If you want to be spiritually healthy, there are seven things you need to do to experience metamorphosis in your spiritual life. There are little things that nobody sees that you need to do consistently. The first is, You Must LOVE JESUS Supremely and the second thing is You Must MEET WITH HIM Daily. Read the rest of this entry