Giver or Gift?

Ps.127:1 [KJV] “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchmen waketh but in vain”


The God Will Do It Again service is one of our special services in God’s Favourite House. For us it is a season of letting go in the place of waiting, stepping up our prayers and praise, and letting God do what only He can do. We typically wait on God for twenty-one days [sometimes longer depending on the direction]. One week devoted prayer, followed by a week of intense thanksgiving, no requests just praise, and finally a week of daily mini-vigils.

It was during the praise week of one of such seasons that a woman with an issue of blood that had been flowing ceaselessly for ten years showed up asking to see the pastor. The usher she met explained to her that because of the service she would not be able to see the pastor. The usher encouraged her to join in the praise slot at the time instead of waiting passively and see what God will do. She joined the praise session and the issue of blood that had been flowing ceaselessly for ten years stopped. No one prayed for her or anointed her with oil. I need you to get this; when God is present things happen.

When she was giving the testimony in church, everyone in church was practically crying. She had had four husbands that had abandoned her because of the issue of blood. But guess what? She was very pretty so it was not long before another interested suitor came knocking. She soon stopped coming to church. So we sent someone to visit her and just love her and encourage her to grow in the things of God. And she sent a message that the man she was about to marry likes his breakfast hot on Sunday mornings. She was not prepared to suffer any more loss so she needed to attend to this man.

When you look at her story, it may sound ridiculous but many times, that is what we do to God. We hold unto the good things in our lives instead of holding unto God. For this lady for example, the husband was not necessarily a bad thing. But God is saying you need to let go of that good thing so that you can step up.


Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to hold loosely to things and tightly to You, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Posted on Sunday 21 January, 2018, in God's Presence, Let go, Step Up, Waiting. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a Comment.

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