Category Archives: Decision
On Track
1 Tim.5:22 [GW] “Don’t be in a hurry to place your hands on anyone [to ordain him]. Don’t participate in the sin of others. Keep yourself morally pure”
The King James Version for 1Timothy 5:22 reads, “Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be a partaker of other men’s sins: keep thyself pure”. The question to those who are thinking of going into a business is, is the person you are about to partner with worthy? It really does not matter if the person is your brother, or sister, or uncle, or your father. If you enter into a business deal with somebody that is unworthy, you are going to exit crying. In this life, worthiness is totally indispensable. Sometimes, people complain that they Read the rest of this entry
Knowing I
Luke 21:33 [TLB] “And though all heaven and earth shall pass away, yet my words remain forever true.”
Over the next few days, we are going to learn six plus one ways of testing a message and recognizing God’s voice. This is not some clever way of getting you to solve a math problem. It is six plus one because the first six ways are indispensable. Every Word from God must pass the first six tests. If it fails even one out of the six, throw it out or keep it in the cooler. The seventh is also very crucial but again it is not. You can authenticate with just the first six. So let us just say the seventh is an added advantage.