Category Archives: Guidance

You Must IV

Phil.2:3 “Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves”


If you are still single, my advice is do not marry a selfish person. It is just an advice. Selfishness is a huge destroyer. A person cannot be selfish and humble at the same time. It does not work that way. Selfishness is one of the major cankerworms that destroys the fabric of marriage. Read the rest of this entry

You Must III

Eph.4:32 “Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you” [with emphasis].


If love is to last in our relationships, we must Listen with all our hearts and Forgive with all our hearts. Yesterday we explained the difference between acceptance and forgiveness. However, some issues in marriage are actually forgiveness issues. Relationships are between two imperfect people. Read the rest of this entry

You Must II

Rom. 15:7  “Therefore, accept each other just as Christ has accepted you so that God will be given glory” [with emphasis]


The second thing that you and I must do if love is to last in our relationships is that we must forgive with all of our heart. The challenge with us is we confuse acceptance with forgiveness. Acceptance is not forgiveness. There is a difference between acceptance and forgiveness. Read the rest of this entry

You Must I

1 Peter 1:22 “You must keep on loving with all your heart.” [CEV, with emphasis]


Paul says you and I “must keep on loving with all your heart”. When I read this I had to ask God to help me. You must keep loving not with a part of your heart but with all your heart. The question is how can one do that?  How do we keep on loving with all our hearts for a life time? Read the rest of this entry

Love Matters

1 Peter 1:22 “You must keep on loving with all your heart.” [CEV, with emphasis]


A lot of people relate with God based on His power and might. Such people would usually start their prayers like this, “Oh God of heaven, Thou mighty, magnificent, omnipotent God of the universe, I come to You today…” There is nothing wrong with that because God is all that and more. Read the rest of this entry


Num.25:7 “…Phinehas thrust the spear all the way through the man’s body and into the woman’s stomach. So the plague against the Israelites was stopped… 10 Then the Lord said to Moses… 12 Now tell him that I am making my special covenant of peace with him


King Jehoash came to Elisha seeking a solution and as part of the solution, Elisha told him to strike the ground with arrows [please read 2 kings 13:14-19]. Jehoash struck the ground three times and stopped. Read the rest of this entry

Open or Closed ?

Prov.11:24 “There is one who scatters, yet increases more; And there is one who withholds more than is right, but it leads to poverty” (NKJV).


God wants to release something to you and He is waiting for you to let go of what is in your hands. For some of us, what God has asked us to let go of is a bad habit. Substance abuse can kill you or affect your mental state negatively. Let it go! Remember, God is not just asking you to let it go and have nothing. He is saying let it go because He wants to release something into your hands. Read the rest of this entry

Just Believe!

Jn.4:23 “But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way. 24 For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth”


You can only connect to a spirit through the Spirit. Sometimes we want to rationalize God but that is impossible. You cannot rationalize God. Yes, God has given us brains but God is bigger than our brains. Sometimes we witness God’s power through people’s testimony and we question its authenticity. Read the rest of this entry

Die Daily

1 Cor.15: 31 “[I assure you]… I die daily [I face death every day and die to self]” [AMPC].


No matter how much potential the seed has, the seed remains a seed until it is planted and it dies. Many people are planted in marriage but they have refused to die to themselves. And this is the reason so many marriages are hitting the rocks today. The people in it are not dead to themselves or dead to their arrogance. Spouses are still so full of pride; everybody is talking back at everybody. Until you die, you cannot produce. Read the rest of this entry

The Formula

1 Cor.3:7 “It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow.”

You and I must make it our priority to connect to the heart of our Father and not just focus on getting results alone. The truth is that the formula will deliver results and that is unquestionable. But the question is, is that proceeding from the heart of the Father? So if you are just about the formula, you will get results. But it is for this same reason a lot of “tongue-talking” people are going to hell. People are actually using their spiritual armory to perform witchcraft and it has nothing to do with God. Some Christians are praying for other Christians to fall down and die. Do you think their Father, our Father will be happy? Is that proceeding from His heart? Let pleasing the heart of the Father be your goal at all times.

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