Category Archives: Relationship

Grow Up!

1 Cor.13:11 (TLB) “It’s like this: when I was a child I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child does. But when I became a man my thoughts grew far beyond those of my childhood, and now I have put away the childish things.”


A lot of Christians want to remain infants and that is a problem. For some, as soon as they feel they are no longer infants, then it means something is wrong. God wants you to grow up. A spiritual infant for instance is mostly concerned about ‘me’. Read the rest of this entry


1 John 4:7 [NKJV]Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone  who loves is born of God and knows God. 8 He who does not love does not know God, for God is love” [with emphasis].


Loving one another as our Scripture reference highlights is otherwise known as horizontal love. In Jesus’ response to the question, “…what should I do to inherit eternal life?”, the first part of Jesus’ response was, Read the rest of this entry

Love Connection

Rom.8:14 [NKJV] “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. 15 …you received the Spirit of adoption… 16 That Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God 17 and if children, then heirs –heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ…”


When you are in God’s house, you need to relate as a child of God and as a child of His house. So, you attend to the Father’s house not out of duty but in response to His heart and out of a desire to please Him. Read the rest of this entry

Son vs. Servant

Gal.4:7 [NKJV] “Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.”


A servant feels accepted and appreciated based on what he does. A child on the other hand, is accepted and appreciated based on who he is. A servant is accepted and appreciated based on his workmanship. A son is accepted and appreciated based on his relationship. Read the rest of this entry

Practical Rest

Heb.4:9 “So there is a special rest still waiting for the people of God. 10 For all who have entered into God’s rest have rested from their labours, just as God did after creating the world.”


The question on our minds is how practical is it to rest in today’s world where everything seems to be happening at jet speed. Yesterday, I shared with you something I also learnt from Rick Warren and it has changed my life totally. I learnt to do three things: deflect daily, withdraw weekly and abandon annually. Read the rest of this entry


Eccl.5:10    “Those who love money will never have enough. How meaningless to think that wealth brings true happiness! 11 The more you have, the more people come to help you spend it. So what good is wealth—except perhaps to watch it slip through your fingers!”


How much is enough? Albert Einstein says, “It’s not that I’m so smart, but I stay with the questions much longer”. So, in line with this learning, we will continue today in the question, how much is enough? William Blake tells us that, “You never know what is enough unless you know what is more than enough.Read the rest of this entry

Move Up!

Matt.6:12 (AMPC) “And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven (left, remitted, and let go of the debts, and have given up resentment against) our debtors.”


When God is prompting you to forgive someone, just forgive the person. If you refuse to follow His leading, you are holding your own self down. Jesus, in teaching us how to pray, alluded to the fact that when we do not forgive, we are holding ourselves down. Read the rest of this entry

Do It Quickly

Eph.4:26-27 (GN) “If you become angry, do not let your anger lead you into sin; and do not stay angry all day.  Don’t give the devil a chance.”


The fifth way to deal with difficult people is Resolve The Conflict Quickly. The question is, should a Christian ever get angry? Did Jesus ever get angry? Yes, Jesus did but that is not a license to be short fused. Inevitably, sometimes we get angry but God’s Word says, Eph.4:27 (Philips) “Never go to bed angry!” Read the rest of this entry

Yes or No?

Matt.5:36 (JB) “All you need to say is `Yes’ if you mean yes, or `No’ if you mean no; anything more than this comes from the evil one.”


Meekness is not weakness! God has not designed you to be a wimp or a doormat. He wants you to have conviction! How do you handle situations at work or in your business that put a question mark on your integrity or your stand in God? What do you do when your customer says for the relationship to continue, you have to adjust your books? Read the rest of this entry

Proper Perception

Prov. 29:25 (GN) “It is dangerous to be concerned with what others think of you…”


If your waking thoughts are about what this person or that person thinks about you, then Scripture says that you are treading a dangerous path. Some people are just unpleasable; accept it and live with it. Fact number two: I do not have to please everyone; so you do not have to please everyone. Read the rest of this entry