Category Archives: Weaknesses

Build Up – II

Colossians 2:6-7 “Since you have accepted Christ Jesus as Lord, live in union with him. Keep your roots deep in him, build your lives on him, and become stronger in your faith, as you were taught. And be filled with thanksgiving.” (GNT).

Yesterday, we looked at two of the things that can lead to faith becoming weak – Lack of INTEREST and Poor Lifestyle CHOICES. Whenever you change your belief to line up with your behaviour, you short-change your life and your destiny. You are to change, by the power of God, to what God’s ways are. Read the rest of this entry

More Gains

Ecclesiastes 4:10 “If you fall, your friend can help you up. But if you fall without having a friend nearby, you are really in trouble.” (CEV)

It would be a shame for anyone to be in a church family and if that person gets into trouble, he or she has to deal with it all alone. That will be a big shame. God has bought us all into a church family so that we can be a part of a community. Read the rest of this entry

Better Together

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 “It’s better to have a partner than go it alone. Share the work, share the wealth. And if one falls down, the other helps. But if there’s no one to help, tough!” (MSG)

Why do we need community? We Need Community To Make Up For Our Weaknesses. We Need Community To Bring Out The Best In Us. We Need Community To Get More Done. Ecclesiastes 4:9 Two can accomplish more than twice as much as one, for the results can be much better.” Read the rest of this entry

The Advantage

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 “Two people are better than one, because they get more done by working together. If one falls down, the other can help him up. But it is bad for the person who is alone and falls, because no one is there to help.”

Your community determines your anointing and influences the heights you can attain. What about the people in community who are not making progress? Well, those are exceptions, but my prayer is that their own lives will also change because of what God is doing with the rest of us in the Name of Jesus. Read the rest of this entry

Just Pray

Philippians 4:6 “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.”

Prayer is the difference between what you can achieve by your own strength and what God can achieve by His own strength. When you look at the impossibilities in life, the gap usually is a prayer gap. Apart from offense, another thing that has hindered a lot of people from really praying is going by their feelings. Read the rest of this entry