Category Archives: Flourish

Your Response, IV

Psalm 34:5 “Look to Him and shine, so shame will never contort your faces.” (Voice)

We will kick off today’s devotional with our final thought from yesterday which is that where you look determines what flows to you. Are you looking at the Source of light or are you looking at social media and what is trending? Are you looking at which celebrity is saying what, or what is going on in the news? Read the rest of this entry

Like A Tree!

Psalm 1:3 “He will be standing firm like a flourishing tree planted by God’s design, deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss, bearing fruit in every season of life. He is never dry, never fainting, ever blessed, ever prosperous.” (TPT)

I have good news for you today. If you are in a tight place, you are like a tree. You are going to survive this season and begin to think long-term. Why does God compare us to trees? Another reason is in our operation. Read the rest of this entry