Category Archives: Forsake


Gal. 5:22-23 “The Holy Spirit produces a different kind of fruit: unconditional love, joy, peace, patience, kind-heartedness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. You won’t find any law opposed to fruit like this.” (Voice]

We are going to run through the components of the fruit of the Holy Spirit and the first one Paul mentions is Love. This is unconditional love; it is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. The love Paul is referring to in today’s scripture reference is “Agape” – unconditional. It is only the Holy Spirit that can make you love someone unconditionally. Read the rest of this entry

Cheap Candy

Prov. 18:7 (MSG) “Fools are undone by their big mouths; their souls are crushed by their words. Listening to gossip is like eating cheap candy; do you really want junk like that in your belly?”


You have to make sure that gossip has no place in your life. I strongly believe that not everyone that goes around gossiping is evil; some are, but most of them are just idle and ignorant.

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Damaging Effects

1 Tim. 5:13 “They also learn to waste their time in going around from house to house; but even worse, they learn to be gossips and busybodies, talking of things they should not.”


Gossip is casual or unconstrained conversation about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed and in many cases, lies. If you are in any position of authority, be aware that people will bring unsolicited gossip to you.

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By Faith

Gal.6:14 “As for me, may I never boast about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of that cross, my interest in this world has been crucified, and the world’s interest in me has also died.” [with emphasis]


Paul says our interest in the world must be crucified and yesterday we discussed in detail what that interest actually entails. However, Paul did not stop there. Paul says, “…the world’s interest in me has also died”. Read the rest of this entry

Confess & Forsake!

Prov.28:13 “People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy” [with emphasis].


Peter was going to go home a sad man, without food for his family that day because he had tried all night but did not catch any fish. Jesus did not have to be kind to Peter and Jesus did not have to promote Peter. Read the rest of this entry