Category Archives: Help From Above
Be Aware II
Psa.34:7 “The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, And delivers them” [NKJV].
Imagine you living daily with the consciousness and realization of the fact that angels surround you. Everybody has angels, we have different numbers of angels, we have different hierarchy of angels but everybody has angels. The number and hierarchy depend on your assignment. For some people, because of their assignment, if God does not give them angels, demons will kill them. I cannot afford to backslide because there are so many demons waiting to kill me. God needs to give me extra reinforcement because I’m always looking for trouble. So it depends on your assignment.
Be Aware I
Ps.104:3 “You lay out the rafters of your home in the rain clouds. You make the clouds your chariot; you ride upon the wings of the wind. 4 The winds are your messengers; flames of fire are your servants”
2 Kings 6:15 “When the servant of the man of God got up early the next morning and went outside, there were troops, horses, and chariots everywhere. “Oh, sir, what will we do now?” the young man cried to Elisha. Elisha said something very significant. 2 Kings 6:16 “Don’t be afraid!” Elisha told him. “For there are more on our side than on theirs!” [with emphasis]. If I were that man I would have said, “Sir, it is just you and me standing here and the armies outside are in their hundreds. How can you say there are more on our side?”
The Lord’s Side
2 Kings 6: 16 “Don’t be afraid!” Elisha told him. “For there are more on our side than on theirs!” 17 Then Elisha prayed, “O Lord, open his eyes and let him see…” [with emphasis]
You are not alone. There is much more to you than meets the ordinary eye and you need to begin to walk in this consciousness. David looked at Goliath and said, you are coming to me with spear and sword. You do not even know anything. The people that are behind me are the Host of Heaven. I have come to you in the Name of the Lord of Hosts, whose army you have defied. In other words, David was saying – there are three armies in this battle. There are the philistine armies of which Goliath is their champion and he is standing in the valley. There are the armies of Israel of which Saul is their champion and he is hiding in the tent. I, David have come to represent the armies of heaven and I am going to cut your head.
Proper Perspective
Deut.18:9 “…be very careful not to imitate the detestable customs of the nations… 10 For example, …fortune-telling …sorcery …interpret omens …witchcraft, …cast spells 11…mediums or psychics… 12 Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord…” [with emphasis]
God says anyone whether pastors, prophets, evangelist, apostles, believer, non-believer, whoever does these things is detestable to the Lord. The fact that people throw a cloak of Pentecostalism over fortune telling does not change it from divination as far as heaven is concerned and heaven detests it. Deut.18:13 “But you must be blameless before the Lord your God. 14The nations you are about to displace consult sorcerers and fortune-tellers, but the Lord your God forbids you to do such things.” Let your ears hear what the Spirit is saying.
Staying Power
Isa.60:1 “Arise, shine;For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you”
The only way to avoid failure is never to try. On this side of eternity, no one is perfect. To overcome the fear of failure you must understand that everybody fails. Jam.3:2 “We all stumble in many ways.” Did the Bible say a few of us, or the mediocre, or the less than perfect stumble? Not at all! The Bible says ALL stumble, including evangelists, business moguls, prophets, leaders, and pastors etcetera. The day you get that, you set yourself free.
Take Charge
Ps.84:11 “For the Lord God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right” [with emphasis]
To do what is right means to be righteous and our righteousness is of God. So if you want the good things from God, you have to be in Christ. You need to align with the righteousness of Christ. As you align, every form of barrenness will come to an end, in Jesus Name. Make Jesus the Lord of your life today.
1Sam.1:27 “I asked the Lord to give me this boy, and he has granted my request”. We have an assurance that God will grant our Read the rest of this entry
Give Thanks
Ezra 3: 11 With praise and thanks, they sang this song to the Lord: “He is so good! His faithful love for Israel endures forever!” Then all the people gave a great shout…” [emphasis added]
When a child wakes up from a nightmare, hearing the voice of the parent alone is comforting. Immediately the child hears the statement, “Its okay, Daddy/Mummy is here”, the child feels a sense of security and calms down. The child does not first measure the circumference of the parent’s biceps. Knowing that Mummy or Daddy is there is enough. Whether the parent can fight or not does not matter. The child feels secure in the parent’s arms. That child will sleep off on the parent’s shoulder regardless of what is out there. I Read the rest of this entry
“Don’t be selfish; don’t live to make a good impression on others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself… Your attitude should be the kind that was shown us by Jesus Christ, who, though He was God, did not demand and cling to His rights as God…” Phil. 2:3,5-6 [TLB]
Everyone has the potential to be selfish in his or her relationship. And we said one of the ways to think clearly about our relationships is to look to Jesus as our example. If unselfishness is a major key to a great relationship, how then does one become unselfish? One man admitted to me that he knows that he is selfish but he does not want to do anything about it. I pointed out to him that he risks losing his marriage and he did not mind that cost. Some people just do not want to be selfless. The truth is you cannot have a great Read the rest of this entry