Category Archives: Favour


John 6:70 “Then Jesus said, “I chose the twelve of you, but one is a devil.”

Jesus tells us in Matt.10:36 “Your enemies will be right in your own household!’” You have to consistently scan the people around you. Lucifer was not satan from the beginning, until iniquity was found in him. Read the rest of this entry

My Help

1Kings 17:3 “Go to the east and hide by Kerith Brook…. 4 Drink from the brook and eat what the ravens bring you, for I have commanded them….” 5 So Elijah did as the Lord told him… 6 The ravens brought him bread and meat each morning and evening, and he drank from the brook.


It is important that we follow this story and see the clear picture that David is painting for us. Our God is just so amazing. David says in Ps.23:5 “You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies…” [with emphasis]. Read the rest of this entry

Valley Plan

Ps.23:4 (NKJV) “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…” [with emphasis]

The valley looks like death, it is a shadow, but it is not death. You may think that situation is going to kill you or that you have come to the end. But it will not kill you and it is not the end. Read the rest of this entry

My God

Isa. 8:13 (KJV) “Sanctify the Lord of hosts himself; and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.”

God is more than enough to meet our spiritual needs, our directional needs, and our security needs. Human beings have different needs, what the economist have tagged Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Read the rest of this entry

Forced Down!

Ps. 147:10 (NKJV) “He does not delight in the strength of the horse; He takes no pleasure in the legs of a man.”

Sometimes, God puts us in really uncomfortable positions. Years ago, when I finished from the university and preparing to go for my service year, God gave me today’s scripture reference. Read the rest of this entry

Humility 102

1 Kings 3:9 “Give me an understanding heart so that I can govern your people well and know the difference between right and wrong. For who by himself is able to govern this great people of yours?”

Most times when we read about Solomon in 1 Kings 3:4-15, we are impressed with his wisdom in asking for wisdom. But the reality is that Solomon actually was admitting to God that he was not very smart. Read the rest of this entry


2Cor.4:17 For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!” [with emphasis]

God wants you to know that your troubles, no matter how big and complex they may seem, are small. Who will you believe, the problem or God? Read the rest of this entry

Acceptable Response

Dan.6: 14 “Hearing this, the king was deeply troubled, and he tried to think of a way to save Daniel. He spent the rest of the day looking for a way to get Daniel out of this predicament.”

There is such a huge contrast between Darius’ and Nebuchadnezzar’s responses to “defiance”. The reason is, Dairus obviously had experienced Daniel and had respect for him. Nebuchadnezzar on the other hand, had obviously not experienced the three young men and had no respect for them. In addition to that, Nebuchadnezzar had ulterior motives. His decree was out of his insecurity. Darius on the other hand yielded to “yes men” and discovered his error. However, favour and honour made Daniel a target. Some people’s response to favour is to avoid it all together and just coast through life. Some pray that God would reduce their measure of favour so that they will not attract attention. If you are favoured please be humble but embrace it and do not apologize for it or cut yourself down. You are not doing anyone a favour by making yourself look small. Stop it!

I know a family that would always train the domestic staff that they employ. They sponsor the person up to university level and give them a chance to make a life for themselves. So, they took in a boy, very intelligent chap, and started him up on the same path. He got into school and was excelling. One day, the boy’s mother showed up and started crying. She was convinced that the family wanted her son dead because if the people in the village hear of the boy’s progress, they will kill him. She pleaded with them to let him remain at the level of a domestic staff so that she can have her son in old age. They tried to point her to God’s protective covering that is available for her and her son. But when the woman saw that they were not accepting her proposition, she let it be. Then one day, she just showed up and took the boy back to the village.

Some people feel they need to wear rags to prolong their life. I am not saying you should become arrogant but if God’s favour on your life makes you a target, God Himself will protect you. We also see from the responses of the other administrators and high officers, that when people do not respond positively to the favour on another person, they became breakfast for lions. I pray that you will respond well, and those that become jealous of the favour on your life will be breakfast for lions in Jesus Name. If God is blessing your neighbor, He is in your neighborhood, so rejoice!

Prayer: O Lord, fight those fighting me; declare war on them for their attacks on me. Put on your armor, take your shield and protect me by standing in front, in Jesus Name. Amen [Ps.35:1-2, TLB]

About Character I

Ps.105:19 “Until the time came to fulfil his dreams, the Lord tested Joseph’s character.”


In yesterday’s devotional, we read Daniel 1:1-21. Today, we will go deeper in this study by asking seven questions. Your study of this portion of scripture will open up truths about courage to you.

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The Dorcas Way

Acts 9:39 “So Peter returned with them… they took him to the upstairs room… filled with widows who were weeping and showing him the coats and other clothes Dorcas had made for them. 40 …then he knelt and prayed… 41 …then he …presented her to them alive.”


Are you a contributor or are you a taker? If anything happens to you [God forbid], will the people you do life with miss you? Will anybody cry because of you?

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