Category Archives: intimacy with God


2 Cor. 4:2 “In the full light of God’s truth we live…” [GN, with emphasis]


The second antidote to fear is Love. 1John 4:18 Love contains no fear — indeed fully developed love expels every particle of fear, for fear always contains some of the torture of feeling guilty” [Phillips, with emphasis]. How much fear is contained in love? None! If you love the Lord, you will have no fear of spiritual things and no fear of eternity. Love does not entertain fear. Fully developed love sweeps through the life and purges fear. Peradventure there is a grain of fear lurking around, fully developed love will sweep it out. Read the rest of this entry

Truth Speaking

James 2:21 …Abraham was shown to be right with God by his actions…22 You see, his faith and his actions worked together. His actions made his faith complete…24 So you see, we are shown to be right with God by what we do, not by faith alone. [emphasis added].


God is clear in His Word about faith and actions. Unfortunately, there is this crop of Christians claiming that all you need is faith. They say that once you believe in Jesus, you can do anything you want to do. There is nothing you can do to make God love you less. While that is true, that is only one side of the equation – incomplete. A lot of married people are engaging in extra marital affairs and claiming a new dispensation of grace. I call that reading the Bible upside down.

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Transform Not Transfer

Phil.3:13 No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.


You cannot go forward if you keep holding onto the past. The past is what it is – past! So let it go. You cannot start a new business if you are still holding on to the failure of the last business. You cannot take a step forward in marriage holding on to the failure of the last relationship. It will be totally impossible for you to trust anyone again. God says you have to let the past go if you want to go forward. However, the question is, why is it so difficult to let go of the past – past regrets, past pain and past hurts? God is saying you Read the rest of this entry

So Much More!

Job 7:17 “What are people, that you should make so much of us; that you should think of us so often?”


It is only God that is all sufficient. Yesterday we established the fact that even though God does not need us, He wants us. That is why the psalmist says repeatedly, what is man that You are mindful of him [Ps.8:4, Ps.144:3]. However, the sad truth is that most people would not seek God until they need Him. God knows this so He puts a need in our lives. That need makes us seek Him only to discover that we want Him. That is the basis of the wilderness experience. That is why people go through the wilderness experience.

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The Priesthood

Rev.5:10 “And you have caused them to become a Kingdom of priests for our God. And they will reign on the earth”


To go forward, the first thing you must do is to build your body, the temple of the Holy Spirit. The priesthood sustains the temple and the priesthood is based on repetition. This means that the duties of a priest are repetitive. It is almost like a list of what to do daily and at different times of the day. So, for you to take care of your temple there are things you have to do repetitively. And whether you like it or not, whether you feel like it or not, you have to be consistent at doing these things.

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1 Sam.3:19 As Samuel grew up, the Lord was with him, and everything Samuel said proved to be reliable.”


Samuel encountered God and the very next day he had to take a stand for God. 1 Sam.3:15 Samuel stayed in bed until morning, then got up and opened the doors of the Tabernacle as usual. He was afraid to tell Eli what the Lord had said to him. 16 But Eli called out to him, “Samuel, my son.” “Here I am,” Samuel replied. 17 “What did the Lord say to you? Tell me everything. And may God strike you and even kill you if you hide anything from me!” So Samuel told Eli everything God told him; God was chastising Eli on his Read the rest of this entry

Sweet Hour

Heb.4: 15 This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin. 16 So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.


God wants us to come to Him boldly but most times we look at the mistakes we have made and the mess it has created, and we run from God. I am telling you today that the value of your life does not depend on the mess you have made. The value of your life is dependent upon the price that Christ has paid. When you do not see yourself in the light of the mess and the mistakes you have made, and you look at the cross and seeing how much you are worth [Jesus dying for you], your spiritual awareness rises. You are actually Read the rest of this entry

The Blessing

Gen.22:17I will certainly bless you. I will multiply your descendants beyond number, like the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will conquer the cities of their enemies.”


A change of name is a change of identity. Your name follows you wherever you go. You cannot shake it off. God said to Jacob, “Your name is your problem. I need to give you a new name”[paraphrased]. God is going to give you a new name this season. For some, it is physical and for others it is spiritual. If your name is detrimental to your greatness change it, because your name is your identity. You cannot rise above your name. As your name is, so you will be. It is your spiritual and your prophetic destiny. “And His name shall be Read the rest of this entry

Over-Turn It!

Gen.32:24 “…But Jacob said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” 28 “Your name will no longer be Jacob,” the man told him. “From now on you will be called Israel, because you have fought with God and with men and have won.”


Joseph had a dream – he saw the sun, the moon, and eleven stars bowing to him. Israel said, you mean that your mother and I will bow down to you? And Israel changed it. Check – everyone bowed to Joseph apart from Israel. In fact, Israel lived to bless Joseph and his children. If he did not change it, he would have had to prostrate before Joseph because it had been written. Take the example of Job; there were discussions going on about Job but he could not listen in and so he could not change it. Job cried out, “I wish I had a man Read the rest of this entry

Lock It Down!

Gen.32:24 “…But Jacob said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” 28 “Your name will no longer be Jacob,” the man told him. “From now on you will be called Israel, because you have fought with God and with men and have won.”

How can a man wrestle with God and win? It is easy to read this and miss the weight of the exchange that happened and the statement that God made. The Lord is God, the God of all the earth. The One that gave boundaries to the proud waves of the sea; the same One that gives command to the lightening and marches out the stars every night. He is God, the One who humbles the proud and dispossesses mighty kings. The One whose breath laid bare the depths of the Red Sea. This same God wrestled with Jacob and Read the rest of this entry