Category Archives: Fear
Isa.8:13 “Make the Lord of Heaven’s Armies holy in your life. He is the one you should fear. He is the one who should make you tremble”
When you preoccupy yourself with Jesus and you focus on the decisions that Christ would make, over time your life will be all that God planned it to be. And if your parents made mistakes you are afraid of repeating in your own life, move your focus to Jesus and away from them. It is as simple as that. Some people are afraid of commitments. What if they cannot keep to their own end of the commitment? Guess what? Such people end up being what they are most afraid of, Non-Committal.
Pr. 12:25 “Worry can rob you of happiness.” [GN]
Fear paralyses potential, fear ruins relationships, and #3: Fear Hinders Happiness. David says in Ps.55:2 “I am worn out by my worries.” More people today are tired from worrying than from work. The reason a lot of people are lethargic is because of worrying themselves out. Instead of working, you are worrying. People think you are working but you are actually worrying, worrying about the work.
Set Free
Josh.1:9 “This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Caution! Fear ruins relationships. A lot of bosses stifle the creativity of their people because they are afraid. They are afraid that if they allow the creativity to flourish, those people may take over their jobs. And such people stand on one spot, waiting to stop the creativity of others. Instead, let others flourish and free yourself to also develop and flourish.
A lot of parents cannot let go of their children because they are afraid. I know someone that built a house like a campus with living Read the rest of this entry
Limiting Fear
Ps.112:7 “They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the Lord to care for them. 8 They are confident and fearless and can face their foes triumphantly”
Apart from paralyzing potential, the second thing fear does is: Fear Ruins Relationships. Fear can actually destroy relationships. In fact, nothing destroys relationships faster than fear. It was fear that destroyed Adam’s relationship with God. Gen. 3:10 “. . . I was afraid and hid from you…” [GN, with emphasis]. In other words, Adam was saying, “I was afraid and I damaged my relationship with You”. Yes, Adam had disobeyed but it was fear that caused him to hide from God instead of running to God. I pray that you and I will Read the rest of this entry
Open The Door
Psalm 34:4 “I prayed to the Lord and He answered me; He freed me from all my fears.” [GN, with emphasis]
I pray that in God’s Presence today, the Lord Himself will free you from all your fears, in Jesus Name. David did not say that God delivered him from a few of his fears or from his major fears and left out the minor ones. David said that God delivered him from all his fears. I am praying again that God will free us from all our fears, in Jesus Name.
Fear does a lot of damage. The first major damage is – Fear Paralyzes Potential. Fear, when we give in to it, has the power to limit our Read the rest of this entry
Banish Fear!
1 John 4:18 “Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear…” [with emphasis]
God is going to open doors before us in this season [say amen]. And God expects us to exploit every one of those openings. However, one of the greatest enemies of exploitation is fear. God is set to deal conclusively with fear in our lives in this season; so, please open your heart to God. God, our Father, has only one remedy for fear and that is to cast it out [banish it]. God says that there is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear [banishes fear]. There is no fear in love. In other words, love and fear cannot cohabit, you know. Read the rest of this entry
In Its Place
Ps.46:1 God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. 2 So we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea” [with emphasis].
Ps.91:5 “Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night…” It is normal to feel fear. The fact that you are afraid does not mean you have lost the battle. Some people think that feeling fear means they have lost the battle and so they throw in the towel. I am telling you today that you can feel fear and still be on course. I want you to put fear in its proper place today. The greatest of men sometimes do things while afraid.
When we were going to take our land as a church, someone asked me if I was afraid. My response was and is, “So what? Does fear Read the rest of this entry
Banish Fear
Ps.91:5 “Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night…”
Fear is a major factor we have to overcome in our quest to breakthrough in fruitfulness financially, in the fruit of our body, and in our relationships. The enemy uses fear to keep a lot of people barren in their bodies, in their minds, in their finances, in their business, or in the assignment that God has for them. A lot of people are barren because they are afraid that they will “not make it”. Even right now, the enemy is saying to you, “How can you be talking about being fruitful, don’t you know your history?” The enemy is just trying Read the rest of this entry
Block II
1 John 4:18 Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.
Actions speak louder than words, they say. So have your actions been voicing your need for God or have they been stating otherwise? The story is told of a little boy who was deeply upset at the fact that at mealtime, his mother would always stop them from eating just to pray. One day after his mother got back from the market, he said, “Mum, let’s Read the rest of this entry
Audience Of One
“Sanctify the Lord of hosts himself; and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread” Isa.8:13 .
The key to being totally free from people pleasing is in understanding that the only person you are capable of totally pleasing is God. You are not capable of pleasing any human being. In fact, you will discover that human beings are “un-pleasable”. Let me illustrate with the story of a popular folk song. It is the story of a father, his son and their donkey on a journey. The father alone was riding on the donkey while his son was walking. The people called him wicked. So the father Read the rest of this entry