Category Archives: Acknowledge God
Starting Point
1 Thess.5:17 “Never stop praying. Make your life a prayer.” (NLT & TPT).
Prayer is so central to the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. The first mention of when men began to call upon God and to pray was in Gen.4:26 “To Seth also a son was born, and he named him Enosh. At that time people began to invoke the name of the Lord.” (NRSV). Read the rest of this entry
The Place
Ps.5:1-3 “O Lord, hear me as I pray; pay attention to my groaning. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for I pray to no one but you. Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.”
Prayer is the place of admitting our need. Prayer is the place of adopting humility. Prayer is the place of claiming dependence upon God. Prayer is the practice of God’s presence. Jesus said to His disciples, “when you pray say, Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name….” Read the rest of this entry
The Practice
James 5:17 “Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.” (KJV)
Once we understand prayer and we can stay in the place of prayer, we can look at an Ahab and like Elijah say, ‘There will be no rain except at my word’. You lock the heavens, put the key in your pocket and you go for a stroll. Read the rest of this entry
Rom.8:26 “A similar thing happens when we pray. We are weak and do not know how to pray, so the Spirit steps in and articulates prayers for us with groaning too profound for words.” (Voice)
What does prayer mean to you? From my interactions with people, it is pretty clear to me that we all need to understand prayer better. Some people say, what is in prayer? Is it not just to pray to God? However, you will be surprised that most times people are off course because of a lack of Read the rest of this entry
When God Speaks, III
Ezekiel 34:14-15 “Yes, I will give them good pastureland on the high hills of Israel. There they will lie down in pleasant places and feed in the lush pastures of the hills. I myself will tend my sheep and give them a place to lie down in peace, says the Sovereign Lord.”
What should you expect when God speaks to you?
#1: As you are led by God’s Spirit, All Your Needs Will Be Met.
#2. As you are led by God’s Spirit, Your Placement Will Be Strategic.
#3. As you are led by God’s Spirit, You Will Live A Righteous Life.
#4. As you are led by God’s Spirit, Fear Will Be Far Away From You.
#5. As you are led by the Spirit of God, You Will Be Honoured.
#6. As you are led by God’s Spirit, You Will Be Promoted.
#7. As you are led by God’s Spirit, You Secure Your Place In God’s Presence. I pray, in the Name of Jesus, that in God’s presence your place will not be vacant. As His child, you have a place in God’s presence, and my prayer is that your place will not be vacant in the Name of Jesus. Read the rest of this entry
When God Speaks, II
Isaiah 30:21 “Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left.”
What should you expect when God speaks to you? Firstly, as you are led by God’s Spirit, expect that All Your Needs Will Be Met. Secondly, as you are led by God’s Spirit, Your Placement Will Be Strategic. God will put you in some very nice places. Read the rest of this entry
When God Speaks, I
2 Cor.9:8 “And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.”
You need to develop an appetite for hearing God’s voice. Do you know that people, even today, who don’t know God are able to discern and follow the leading of God’s voice? Have you heard people say, ‘Something led me to and made me invest my money that way, Read the rest of this entry
His Voice
1 Sam.3:7-8 “Samuel did not yet know the Lord because he had never had a message from the Lord before. So the Lord called a third time, and once more Samuel got up and went to Eli. “Here I am. Did you call me?” Then Eli realized it was the Lord who was calling the boy.”
The art of discerning what God is saying is the art of being led by the Spirit of God. We have a lot of resources on Hearing From God and discerning God’s voice. Listen to audio messages for free on the GFH Podcast on iTunes. Read the rest of this entry
Voices III
2 Sam.2:1 “After this, David asked the Lord, “Should I move back to one of the towns of Judah?” “Yes,” the Lord replied. Then David asked, “Which town should I go to?” “To Hebron,” the Lord answered.”
The voice of God, the voice of parents, the voice of friends, the voice of adversaries, the voice of the Bible, the voice of the flesh, the voice of the devil, and the voice of Prophets. Even though the office of the prophet has been heavily abused and commercialized, God still speaks through people, through Read the rest of this entry