Category Archives: Death

It Is Finished!

Colossians 2:14-15 “eliminated the massive debt we incurred… that stood against us. He took it all away; He nailed it to the cross. But that’s not all. He disarmed those who once ruled over us… He put them on display to the world to show His victory over them by means of the cross.” (Voice)

We will kick off today’s devotional with our final thought from yesterday, which is Ephesians 2:8 Saving is ALL his idea, and ALL his work. All we do is trust him enough to let him do it. It’s God’s gift from start to FINISH!” (MSG, emphasis added). It was not your idea. Read the rest of this entry

Cross Benefits

Colossians 2:14-16 “He cancelled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross. In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross. So don’t let anyone condemn you…”

What Did Jesus “Finish” On The Cross? The first is Jesus Paid The Penalty and Cancelled The Debt. The second thing is, Jesus Defeated The Fear Of Death. You do not have to be afraid of death anymore because Jesus already took care of where you are going. Read the rest of this entry

This Same Jesus

Phil.3:10 “I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead.” (emphasis added).

Jesus is Alive. He has risen. Therefore, arise and shine. We are grateful to God that Jesus did not end on the cross, and Jesus did not end in the grave. I would like to tell you a story I like to share every Easter. Read the rest of this entry

Your Satisfaction

John 19:28 “Jesus knew that his mission was now finished, and to fulfil Scripture he said, “I am thirsty.”

Have you ever felt like you need a drink? Sometimes, it is not because you do not have water, but you just need someone to give you water. Have you ever been there, you have water – cold, hot, lukewarm water, yet you are saying I am thirsty, I need a drink? Read the rest of this entry

The Price

Mark 15:34 “And at the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” which is translated, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (NKJV)

Jesus’ first Words on the cross were, “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing”. The second Words on the cross were, “I say to you, you will be with me in paradise”. The third Words on the cross were, “woman behold your son”. Read the rest of this entry

Note This

Isa.53:5 “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.”

John 19:1Then Pilate had Jesus flogged with a lead-tipped whip.” The whip used here is known as flagrum. It is no ordinary whip; it is a collection of heavy leather straps into which bone, glass, and led balls were embedded. Read the rest of this entry

Face To Face

John 17:9&20 “My prayer is not for the world, but for those you have given me, because they belong to you… “I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message.”

You will live long in Jesus Name! However, if you knew that you will die in a few hours, you know that if you pray God will answer your prayers, what three things will top your prayer list apart from extension of life? Most people would pray for people or things closest to their hearts. Read the rest of this entry

Priority One

John 16:13-14 “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future. He will bring me glory by telling you whatever he receives from me.”

Today, we will pick up from our final thought from yesterday which is that Jesus promises that the Holy Spirit will tell us things that are not in any book. The Holy Spirit will give us directions that are not written anywhere. There are things that God wants to teach you by Himself. Read the rest of this entry

To Know

John 16:8-11 “And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: of sin, because they do not believe in Me; of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more; of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged.” (NKJV]

As they stood there, at the cross jeering and laughing at Jesus, the Jews could never have imagined three things. Firstly, that the atonement of the world’s sin, including their own, was on Jesus. Like we said yesterday, Jesus took care of all our sins on the cross – past, present, and future. Read the rest of this entry

The Purpose

Eph. 6:18 “Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.”

John 15:18-19If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you. Read the rest of this entry