Category Archives: Friends

More Gains

Ecclesiastes 4:10 “If you fall, your friend can help you up. But if you fall without having a friend nearby, you are really in trouble.” (CEV)

It would be a shame for anyone to be in a church family and if that person gets into trouble, he or she has to deal with it all alone. That will be a big shame. God has bought us all into a church family so that we can be a part of a community. Read the rest of this entry

Better Together

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 “It’s better to have a partner than go it alone. Share the work, share the wealth. And if one falls down, the other helps. But if there’s no one to help, tough!” (MSG)

Why do we need community? We Need Community To Make Up For Our Weaknesses. We Need Community To Bring Out The Best In Us. We Need Community To Get More Done. Ecclesiastes 4:9 Two can accomplish more than twice as much as one, for the results can be much better.” Read the rest of this entry

The Advantage

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 “Two people are better than one, because they get more done by working together. If one falls down, the other can help him up. But it is bad for the person who is alone and falls, because no one is there to help.”

Your community determines your anointing and influences the heights you can attain. What about the people in community who are not making progress? Well, those are exceptions, but my prayer is that their own lives will also change because of what God is doing with the rest of us in the Name of Jesus. Read the rest of this entry

Right Company

1 Samuel 18:1 “…Jonathan was deeply impressed with David—an immediate bond was forged between them. He became totally committed to David. From that point on he would be David’s number-one advocate and friend.” (MSG)

We need models, mentors, and allies, and we need friends; God puts us in community where we will have access to these four kinds of people. Where do you want to be in five years? If you do not have a model for where you want to be in five years, a model who has been there and that you are imitating, Read the rest of this entry

In Community

Luke 11:1-2 “Once Jesus was in a certain place praying. As he finished, one of his disciples came to him and said, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” Jesus said, “This is how you should pray…”

As we tackle this decade of destiny, this decade of light, in addition to choosing the Right Values and choosing the Right Guide, we need to choose the Right Team. Back to the illustration of the doors, when the light comes on, we can see the opportunities that lie ahead of us. Read the rest of this entry

The Right Guide

John 14:16 “And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another [a]Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counsellor, Strengthener, Standby), to be with you forever” (AMP)

Imagine the future presents itself as a series of doors, having the right values will help you choose the right door. However, having the right guide will see you through what is on the other side of the door. The truth is that behind the door is a completely new and different city, Read the rest of this entry

Not With Ahab!

Prov. 29:24 “You are your own worst enemy when you partner with a thief, for a curse of guilt will come upon you when you fail to report a crime.” (TPT)

Success is almost never a one man show. Nobody does it alone, nobody! We need each other, which is why you need to be part of a church community. For your ship to get out of the harbour and for your ship to set sail, you have to have the correct Read the rest of this entry

Stop It!

1 Kings 22:48 “Now Jehoshaphat built a fleet of trading ships to go to Ophir for gold, but they never set sail–they were wrecked at Ezion- Geber.” (NIV)

By the grace of God, as a Pastor, I am committed to seeing the people God has called me to, fulfil their destiny. It is my life’s commitment. Our lives must glorify God. God must look at us and say, ‘these are My children’. Read the rest of this entry


Rev.4:10-11 “the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying: “You are worthy, O Lord, To receive glory and honour and power…” (NKJV]

Twice in our study of John 8, we see crowds attempt to stone Jesus. In the first instance, the wisdom that Jesus spoke confounded them and they dropped the stones and left. This same Jesus says to us in Luke 21:14-15So don’t worry in advance about how to answer the charges against you, for I will give you the right words and such wisdom that none of your opponents will be able to reply or refute you!Read the rest of this entry


John 3:29 “He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands by and listens to him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice. So this pleasure and joy of mine is now complete.” (AMP, emphasis added).

The bridegroom’s best-man in the Jewish culture is called the shoshbin. In those times, the stealing of brides was very rampant. Usually, after the bride has been prepared, there will be some bandits lurking, waiting for an opportunity to grab the bride. Read the rest of this entry