Category Archives: Hearing from God

Stop Running!

Eze.34:2 “…Shouldn’t shepherds feed their sheep4 You have not taken care of the weak. You have not tended the sick or bound up the injured. You have not gone looking for those who have wandered away and are lost…” [with emphasis].

If God is your shepherd, you cannot be stranded. Will you have tough times, times where you need to dig in and dig deep? Of cause. But you will never be stranded. Read the rest of this entry

The Making II

Ps.23:2 (NKJV) “He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters; 3 he restores my soul…” [with emphasis].

Some time ago, I saw a documentary on a huge sea turtle that found its way on shore in Florida. The turtle was meant for the ocean, so it did not know what to do on land, Read the rest of this entry

Take The Reigns

Gen.3:6 “The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it” [with emphasis].

Please read Genesis 3:1-7, it details the first recorded crossroads in the history of mankind. The Bible says that she saw that the fruit was beautiful and that points to the lust of the eyes. Read the rest of this entry

By Faith!

Heb.11:8 “It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going” [with emphasis].


The fifth example of stepping up by faith is Abraham. Most times, God would not show you the total picture, God would not fully tell you how or where. People often come to me asking to know what will happen next in their journey with God. Read the rest of this entry

To You

Gen.18: 14 Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return about this time next year, and Sarah will have a son.” 15 Sarah was afraid, so she denied it, saying, “I didn’t laugh.” But the Lord said, “No, you did laugh.”


God spoke directly to Sarah and she believed. Heb.11:11 “It was by faith that even Sarah was able to have a child, though she was barren and was too old. She believed that God would keep his promise [with emphasis]. Read the rest of this entry

Pleasing Testament

Heb.11:5 [KJV] “By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God[with emphasis].


Today, as promised, we will start off with the last thought from yesterday’s devotional. By God’s grace, you will live to declare God’s goodness in the land of the living. However, you and I must have eternity in view. When you see things with the eyes of eternity, focusing on pleasing God and God alone becomes possible. When the light is out, when all the people that you think are for you have all turned their backs, because at your grave side it will only be the people that love you, what will they put on that tombstone?

I have shared mine and it is three words, “He pleased God” end of story. I want the people around my tombstone to write this phrase without fear of contraction or any doubt in their minds. What would it be? “A perpetual liar”, “A friend of God”, “A woman of integrity”, or “A man with many faces”, what will it be? What truth do you want your children to say about you when you are gone? It is not too late; if you are still alive, it means you can change the direction [say Amen]. Prayerfully ask God for one and it will be your reality, in Jesus Name.

Heb.11:6 “And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him”. God is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. God rewards the people that chase after Him and you need to get that! I say to you again, God rewards the people that pursue Him. He does! God is the only person that can totally please you. Your spouse should seek to please you of course; but it is only God that can totally, totally please you.

God has not called us to serve Him in vain. God rewards those that seek Him. The truth is that we cannot truly get a full reward for what we do until we get to heaven. And it is also true that while we are on earth, God does not leave us hopeless. He says to the Jews and by extension to us in Isa.45:19I publicly proclaim bold promises. I do not whisper obscurities in some dark corner. I would not have told the people of Israel to seek me if I could not be found. I, the LORD, speak only what is true and declare only what is right.”


Prayer [song]: To You, I give all my praise! To You, I give all my praise!! Let my life be used for Your glory…. To You, I give all my praise! Amen!

Look – Listen Up!

Rev.4:1 Then as I looked, I saw a door standing open in heaven, and the same voice I had heard before spoke to me like a trumpet blast. The voice said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must happen after this”.


We will continue to focus on the four things necessary for stepping up spiritually outlined in Revelations 4:1. Read the rest of this entry

You Must IV

Phil.2:3 “Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves”


If you are still single, my advice is do not marry a selfish person. It is just an advice. Selfishness is a huge destroyer. A person cannot be selfish and humble at the same time. It does not work that way. Selfishness is one of the major cankerworms that destroys the fabric of marriage. Read the rest of this entry

You Must III

Eph.4:32 “Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you” [with emphasis].


If love is to last in our relationships, we must Listen with all our hearts and Forgive with all our hearts. Yesterday we explained the difference between acceptance and forgiveness. However, some issues in marriage are actually forgiveness issues. Relationships are between two imperfect people. Read the rest of this entry

You Must II

Rom. 15:7  “Therefore, accept each other just as Christ has accepted you so that God will be given glory” [with emphasis]


The second thing that you and I must do if love is to last in our relationships is that we must forgive with all of our heart. The challenge with us is we confuse acceptance with forgiveness. Acceptance is not forgiveness. There is a difference between acceptance and forgiveness. Read the rest of this entry